Frequently Asked Questions

What is AMPed Hybrid Academy?

It’s a private school, but not like any private school you’ve experienced before.

AMPed Hybrid Academy (AHA) is a K-8th grade private school in Farmington Hills, MI. We use project-based learning and personalized education plans (PEPs) to customize each student’s learning experience. Combined with small, mixed-age class sizes of 12 students or less, AMPed Hybrid Academy is an excellent option for parents looking for an alternative to the traditional school environment.

Do you support homeschoolers?

The AMPed Hybrid Academy is designed as a complete private school education. While we don’t require parent teaching during home days, parents are free to spend time with their kids on their assignments, go on adventures, and other activities that many homeschool families cherish!

Who do you serve?

AMPed uses mixed age cohorts to encourage collaboration.  Cohorts of up to 12 students in the ranges of Lower Elementary (K-2), Upper Elementary (3-5) and Middle School (6-8), work together with their teacher to learn, build, investigate, and experiment together.  If your student’s needs are above or below these guidelines, we will work together to find the right place for them.

AMPed is a secular private school that values and celebrates diversity in all of its forms.  At AMPed, we love the unique gifts each student brings to our school.  Every student benefits from a diverse learning environment.  Exceptionalities such as neurodivergence, learning differences, giftedness, and many more are welcomed and supported at AMPed.   Being able to work with people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds is what helps our students grow to be the bridge-builders and world-changers of tomorrow.

How much does it cost?  How long of a commitment is it?

Cost is significantly lower than a traditional private school, with much lower student/teacher ratios. We ask that students commit to one semester of our school year long program to get the most out of the program and have time to build relationships with their cohort members. Visit our tuition page for more details.

Can I enroll my student in the middle of the school year?

Yes! We will work with your child’s cohort teacher to choose a time for them to join us when a new project is starting so they don’t feel like they’re trying to catch up. That, combined with the fact that each child has a Personalized Education Plan, makes it so your child can hit the ground running at any time of year.

Schedule FAQs

How does the hybrid schedule work?

Students spend part of their week at AMPed, learning and collaborating in small cohorts with their experienced and highly trained teacher, and the rest of the week home, or wherever else in the community that your learning takes you.  While you’re away from AMPed, you’ll have access to your teacher for morning and afternoon meeting to help you stay on task and plan your day.  Throughout the day, you’ll have access to your AMPed teacher for support and guidance every step of the way.

What are the in-person days and hours?

The in-person class schedule depends on which cohort and class your student is placed. Classes meet either Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays, and all classes alternate Fridays. Every school day runs from 9 AM to 2 PM.

What do you mean by “Hybrid”? Do you offer full time?

The hybrid program meets two days a week from 9 AM to 2 PM and every other Friday from 9 AM to 2 PM. On the other days, students are provided assignments to work on from home and have regular check-ins with their teacher on their school-provided iPad. Despite fewer hours physically in class compared to other schools, this design provides students with a comprehensive education, along with more time at home with their family and plenty of time to work on fun, engaging projects and assignments tailored to them by their Personalized Education Plan (PEP).

Families are welcome to enroll their student in a second class period if they would like them to physically attend the academy every day. If you’re interested in this option, please contact us to learn more.

What do students do on the days they’re not at school?

They’re working on their individualized projects and assignments that align with their PEP.  They have brief check-ins with their teacher and classmates but the material they’re working on at home is tailored to each student so that they can complete it independently.

Planning, prioritizing, and managing a project are all vital skills in today’s world.  At the start of the day, students meet with their teacher and cohort virtually to determine what needs to be accomplished that day.  This sets the tone for the rest of the day, and helps them make a plan.  Maybe that entails doing some research on a topic.  Maybe they need to gather some data in their back yard.  Maybe they need to finish up their poster or present their findings to a local community organization.  The sky is the limit and your student and their peers take ownership in their own educational journey.  At the end of the day, students will reconvene with their cohort via zoom to summarize what they’ve accomplished and make plans for the next day.

Education FAQs

What curriculum do you use at AMPed?

All of them, and also none of them!  AMPed Hybrid Academy (AHA!) focuses on project based learning that is student led and teacher facilitated.  We cover all core subjects and electives in multidisciplinary activities that bridge the gap from textbooks to real world application every day.

What background do your teachers have?

Did you know that in Michigan, there are no education or certification requirements for non-public school teachers? At AMPed Hybrid Academy, we only hire teachers with degrees in the field of education. All of our teachers are well versed in project-based learning and working with students of varying abilities.

My student is gifted and talented, do you have a rigorous curriculum?

AMPed Hybrid Academy can accommodate students of many ability levels.  Students can investigate topics as deeply as they’d like, with an experienced teacher there to guide them when they need.  Mixed age classes also encourage students to work at their own pace but also learn from each other.  So in short, YES, gifted and talented students will be given the freedom and support to thrive and reach their full potential at AMPed Hybrid Academy.

My student has special needs, can you support them?

AMPed Hybrid Academy was founded by Anne Marie, a special education teacher.  One of the primary tenants of AHA is that students of varying abilities are welcome and included to the best of their ability, showcasing the unique gifts they bring to their cohort.  Anne Marie spends time in each cohort daily, supporting students and continuing to guide the rest of the AHA staff in differentiating instruction for all learners.

What kind of facilities do you have?

AHA was designed with project based learning in mind.  Flexible seating, lots of windows, outdoor learning spaces and art studio, and even an indoor sensory area allow our students to learn in the ways that support their needs best.

Contact Us

Still have questions? Contact us by phone / text at (248) 720-6300 or through our contact form below.

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