Educational Advocacy Services and Rates

Home 9 Educational Advocacy 9 Educational Advocacy Services and Rates

Customized support from start to finish. Anne Marie guides families through the process by meeting them where they are. You know your child better than anyone else. Let me help your expert opinion be heard and respected.

Situation A

You’re just thinking about requesting support for your student. We will sit down and come up with a game plan for what your student needs, what to expect, and how to ask for it. I’ll be there every step of the way. From drafting your request letter to attending IEP meetings. Together, we will ensure your student gets the supports they need to thrive.

Situation B

You’re already into the IEP request process and have come face to face with some road blocks. School personnel have tried to discourage you from seeking services, initial testing has indicated that your student may be ineligible for services, or you feel that they need more support that they’re currently receiving. Together, we will make your voice heard and make sure your student has all the tools they need to succeed.

Situation C

Your student has been struggling with behavior related challenges causing disciplinary measures that are impacting their achievement and self image. You’re starting to become worried that they will fail their current grade, or even miss graduation. Mental illness, undiagnosed learning disabilities, or other health issues may be impeding on their ability to reach their full potential in school and beyond. Obtaining the supports they need can give them the confidence boost and tools they need to thrive.

Situation D

Your student already has an IEP or 504 in place but you aren’t sure it is serving them. You’d like to see the accommodations and services they receive modified. Maybe their educational goals aren’t aligned with the ones you have for your student. Their needs or abilities may have changed since the IEP was first implemented.


Rates: $200 an hour with a $600 initial retainer. Payment plans available. Discounts available for AMPed Education students.

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