Exceptional Children
How AMPed Supports Children with Special Needs

Founded by a special education teacher who is also a sibling, parent, step-parent, and daughter of individuals with special needs, AMPed values inclusion, differentiated instruction, and non-traditional learning for ALL its students.

Long before AMPed had its own schools and programming, we were supporting students in the public school system through educational advocacy. By working alongside parents and other stakeholders, we help ensure each child receives the accommodations and services to which they are entitled.

IEPYou can learn more about educational advocacy and contact Anne Marie to get started here.


1:1 Support

At its core, AMPed is about customized education for every student. That means 1:1 support. Students attending any school can work with one of our experienced teachers to build their skills in academics, study skills, executive functioning and organization, specific IEP goals, or anything else they need.

You can learn more about 1:1 support and get started here.


Educational Consulting

Deciding what your child needs, how to provide it to it, and whether or not its working can all be daunting tasks. AMPed Education provides consulting designed to empower students and families to learn in the way best suited to them and with the tools they need.

You can learn more about educational consulting and get started here.


Exceptional Students at AMPed Hybrid Academy

Small, personalized instruction in an inclusive environment is at the center of the AMPed Hybrid Academy (AHA). All students have a Personalized Education Plan developed for them, regardless of abilities, similar to an IEP but focused only on the needs and goals of the student and their family. With our mixed age cohorts limited to only 12 students, each child can form authentic relationships with their teachers and peers. AMPed is dedicated to celebrating the diversity of our students and teaching them how the things that make us different are also what make us stronger together. AHA’s Special Education Director co-teaches in all classrooms, and coaches teachers in providing the best support possible for each learner.

The same customization and support that helps students with disabilities thrive, also ensures that gifted and talented students are able to achieve their greatest potential. While most traditional schools are unable to provide an alternative curriculum for a small number of students, AMPed provides EVERY student with the custom learning plan they need. In Michigan, public school students with the label of Gifted & Talented are not entitled to the additional supports they may need to be challenged in school. At AMPed, our extremely small classes and community connections allow us to provide students with the rigor they need to thrive.

You can schedule a meeting with our Special Education Director today to see if AMPed Hybrid Academy is the right place for your child.


Exceptional Students in AMPed Enrichment

While many enrichment centers are staffed with instructors that may be experts in their field, they often do not have staff well trained in child development, teaching pedagogy, and supporting diverse learning needs. At AMPed, the majority of our enrichment classes are staff with experienced teachers with advanced degrees in education as well as deep knowledge in the subject area. If an instructor does not have this background, an experienced educator works with them to ensure their lessons are able to accommodate the needs of all class members. AMPed is happy to work with families to ensure students are able to learn and participate to the best of their ability. Options like, allowing parents to join classes, providing additional staff in classes, and a variety of formats for learning materials can ensure more students can enjoy our offerings.

You can schedule a meeting with our Special Education Director today to see if AMPed Enrichment is right for your child.


You Know Your Child

AMPed Education knows that every learner is different. What one child can do independently at 6, another still struggles with at 8 and vice versa. This is part of why AMPed Hybrid Academy is grouped in mixed age cohorts, not by grade. Because we respect that every student is on their own path to learning.

The same is true in AMPed Enrichment classes. They’re designed to be inclusive. Kids with very different abilities can all learn from the same content. Things like ages and grades are never a focus of conversation. Students usually have no idea that some of their peers are several years older or younger than them, and if they do, they don’t care!


How to decide if a class is right for your learner

Are they interested in the topic?
Is it a topic or subject area that they could use support in?
Do they have a desire to be in the class?
Does your intuition tell you that it would probably be a positive experience for them?

Still not sure? You can schedule a meeting here with our Education Director to discuss your child and their specific needs so you can feel great about the programs you choose.

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