Why AMPed Academy

Break Free from Rigid Systems

Does your child’s school look like this? Rows upon rows of desks, twenty or thiry (or more) kids in a classroom, and rules galore?

Most schools are designed to educate the largest volume of students efficiently. For students that fit in the right mold, this method is very effective. However, many students find they don’t quite fit in this system.

We know that students learn in their own unique ways. We also know that providing students with adaptations to fit their learning style not only helps them learn better, but they also enjoy school more and grasp concepts better.

A Bespoke Education

At AMPed Hybrid Academy, we guide each student through their own educational journey. They participate in projects that help them learn concepts and apply it to real-world situations with peers of varying capabilities. Each student’s personalized education plan guides their learning and ensures they stay challenged while also allowing them to fully explore areas that interest and inspire them.

Small class sizes of no more than 12 students, a variety of seating options, and a relaxed atmosphere help students relax and focus on their assignments. Students are free to use their fidget tools, escape to the sensory room to calm down, and eat snacks when they’re hungry. We know students learn better in a low-stress environment where they feel free to be themselves, and we respect and encourage students to be their best selves.

Families Love Us

For years, we have struggled with my ten year old son’s education. Countless meetings, conversations, back-and-forth, and yes, even fights that left everyone involved frustrated and defeated.

He HATED school, and not in a typical “every kid dislikes school” kind of way. It stressed him out more than words can say and exhausted him beyond belief, because he learns differently than other kids and needs something different than the “status quo.” He never felt like he could get ahead and never truly felt like he could learn the way he needs to.

Enter AMPed Education. I had my first experience with AMPed bringing Evie to a play group there and I fell in love with the entire program.

I am truly blessed to have the work-life balance and the resources needed to be able to send him to AMPed. It’s a hybrid academy centered around project-based learning and meeting students where they are at. We are there two or three days a week, and he’s home the rest of the time. He has both individual and team projects to keep him focused and learning even from the comfort of his own kitchen table!

On his “school” days I even get a quiet place to work in their parent’s lounge, which comes with coffee and very little distractions so that I can get my own work done.

AMPed Hybrid Academy is run by a wonderful individual who happens to be the most amazing educator I’ve ever met, and she has a team of fellow educators who truly work with each student to come up with a plan that works for them, and a path forward.


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