What is a Personalized Education Plan?

A Personalized Education Plan (PEP) is how AMPed Hybrid Academy ensures that every student gets what they need to reach their own potential.

This means that each student has their own:

  • Educational Goals
  • List of individualized programs and curriculums that would best fit their goals and learning style
  • Inventory of their preferences, characteristics, needs, and other details ensuring that the team has considered the whole picture of a child’s life.
  • Data on their current levels in relevant areas through testing results, work samples, interviews, etc.
  • Supports that will ensure the student can achieve their goals and have a positive experience doing so.

PEP RallyTwice per year, families, the education director, cohort teachers, and the student themselves, sit down to talk about what’s going well, what they want to strive for, and how we can help. At AMPed, we know it takes a village to educate a child. That’s why we make sure all of the stakeholders in a student’s life are able to provide their input when educational goals are concerned.

This meeting is affectionally referred to as their PEP Rally, because that’s exactly what we’re trying to do, encourage and set students up for success. Let them know that we will be there cheering them on all year.

The AMPed team knows that YOU, their parents and caregivers, know your child better than anyone else. Our goal is to use our years of expertise, training, and knowledge to support students and their families because together, we are an unstoppable team.

Questions? Contact Us!

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