AMPed Hybrid Academy

School shouldn't be boring

Students should be EXCITED to go to school! At AMPed, we’ve heard it all…

“I can’t wait to get back to school!”
“What can we work on over break?”
“I didn’t know school could be this awesome!”

When a school meets students where THEY are instead of trying to force them to conform to a set of arbitrary rules, students are engaged and excited to learn.

When a school understands each student’s current abilities and adapts projects and assignments to give them challenging but attainable goals, students feel a sense of accomplishment.

AMPed Hybrid Academy is designed to engage students, understand their abilities, and make learning FUN!

Hands-on learning

“Open your textbook and turn to page 53, please start reading the first paragraph out loud.”

If this is your idea of fun, then AMPed is not for you! At AMPed, we’re all about hands-on learning. Why? Because students learn better by DOING, not just listening.

When students participate in projects and activities, not only are they physically engaged with what they’re working on, their brains make connections that they don’t get just by listening to a lecture or reading a book.

Project-Based Learning

You may have heard the term Project-Based Learning (PBL) before, and you may have even heard teachers or schools say they use Project-Based Learning as part of their curriculum. However, typically projects in schools are used to reinforce concepts intead of teaching concepts. For example, let’s say we’re learning about bridges…

Reinforced Concepts
In a typically classroom, students may read or listen to a lecture about bridges. They hear about the history of bridges, the different construction methods, and how they use physics to withstand heavy loads. After they’re done with these lessons, or sometimes interspersed through the lessons, they may have an activity where they need to design and build a bridge. This is an example of projects being used to reinforce concepts.

Project-Based Learning
Our bearded dragon, Oliver, needs more enrichment in his tank. The students want to build her a bridge to climb across. They start with some sketches and prototypes and then are reminded that there are certain materials that could be hazardous to bearded dragons. And how much does Oliver weigh anyway? They start digging deeper into both the care of bearded dragons, what their natural habitats look like, and different types of bridges. They take this new information and develop a prototype, using the school 3-d printer for some components. They meet with a local civil engineer via zoom to ask her advice on their idea and make adjustments accordingly. They also contact an exotic veterinarian for ideas on safe enrichment for Oliver. Together with these experts, they construct a bridge that is stable, safe, and enriching for Oliver.

Learn More

Learn more about why AMPed Hybrid Academy is a great choice for many students, including Project-Based Learning and Personalized Education Plans. Check out our frequently-asked questions, or explore what a typical learner schedule looks like.

Our K-8th grade private school is located in beautiful Farmington Hills, MI. With a maximum of only 12 students per classroom, mixed-age classes, and a total daily capacity of only 36 students, AMPed Hybrid Academy is a microschool that is big on education! Learn more about our Farmington Hills campus.

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